The science of health demands a new standard

With more health products than ever before, it has never been harder to know what information to trust, which products to choose, and what solutions you really need.

Our mission is to change this by creating the most trusted place to discover curated, quality-assessed health & wellness products from around the world.

Scientific rigor is our guiding principle. Before it goes in your body, it goes through us.

How our curation process works



Each product then undergoes a comprehensive vetting process over a six-week period. This extensive time window allows us to delve into the details of each standard. Brands are ultimately signed off on by our review committee of leading doctors, scientists, and pharmacologists.

We evaluate products across 11 factors, here are a few of our most important:

2.1 Evaluate

Scientific Rigor

Products should have substantial evidence from peer-reviewed studies. We scrutinize the science to ensure the product is safe and effective. We review how long the supporting science has been around, the strength of the scientific advisory board (SAB) behind it, and the quality of the publishing scientific journal.

This also includes assessing the years of data; the number of supported peer-reviewed articles with large sample sizes and proper randomization (double-blind, placebo-controlled); meta-analyses where present; strong support from scientific experts; and whether studies were done primarily on humans vs animals vs in vitro.

View our levels of evidence
Systematic Reviews & Meta-analysis Randomized Controlled Double Blind Studies Cohort Studies Case Series Case Reports Ideas, Editorials, Opinions Animal Research In Vitro (test tube) Research
2.2 Evaluate

Ingredient Quality

Supplements and wellness products are not regulated by the FDA, so we’ve created our own criteria for what’s considered safe versus not with a NO list to avoid supplements with toxic chemicals, microplastics, preservatives, flavors, colors and other provably harmful ingredients.


Banned ingredients

We do the same for personal care and clean home products and so far have banned 500+ harmful ingredients from parabens, phthalates and oxybenzones – so that you know anything on the Superpower marketplace is a product you can trust.

Finally, we look at independent quality testing for purity, strength, identity, and disintegration from the most reputable sources on the internet including:

View our list of sources

These sources are valuable for evaluating the safety and non-toxicity of products, providing consumers with reliable information to make informed choices.

Environmental Working Group (EWG)

EWG is known for providing tools and resources to make better choices regarding toxic-free, safe products in various categories, including household and consumer products.

The WellBe Non-Toxic Product Database

This database features over 2000 curated non-toxic products vetted by third-party unbiased organizations like Environmental Working Group, Think Dirty, MadeSafe, GreenGuard, ConsumerLab, NSF, and more.

Think Dirty App

This app allows users to check for chemicals in products by entering the product name or scanning the barcode. It provides a toxicity rating and suggests safe and cleaner alternatives.


This organization provides certification for non-toxic products, ensuring they are free from harmful chemicals.


ConsumerLab is known for its comprehensive set of test results, including dosage, phytonutrient levels, and contaminant levels in various products.


ConsumerLab is known for its comprehensive set of test results, including dosage, phytonutrient levels, and contaminant levels in various products.

NSF Supplement Vitamin Certification

ConsumerLab is known for its comprehensive set of test results, including dosage, phytonutrient levels, and contaminant levels in various products.

Clean Label Project

ConsumerLab is known for its comprehensive set of test results, including dosage, phytonutrient levels, and contaminant levels in various products.

Lab Door

ConsumerLab is known for its comprehensive set of test results, including dosage, phytonutrient levels, and contaminant levels in various products.
2.3 Evaluate

Manufacturing Standards & Sourcing

Manufacturing and sourcing standards are key to understanding product quality.

For supplements, we screen for designations such as CLIA, GMP, NSF, and FDA, which together help inform the quality of the manufacturing and sourcing process.

For food products, our screening extends to examining the quality of the ingredients and methods used in production, such as whether the food is grass-fed, processed vegetable oil free, and organic.

Beyond the products themselves, our holistic evaluation looks across the entire supply chain. We perform company background checks and ensure there are not concerns with products or their supply chains.

2.4 Evaluate

Price & Value

We have a deep commitment to balancing affordability with quality, and price with performance, ensuring that members receive excellent value in every product they order.

We measure product efficacy not just in numbers but also through the satisfaction of the broader customer universe, aiming for brands that have a substantial collection of genuine, positive customer reviews

2.5 Evaluate

Mission Alignment

The brand’s mission must supports or mirrors Superpower’s mission to bring preventative care to all and increase human lifespan and healthspan by preventing chronic disease through the pillars of environment, sleep, mental health, physical health, and nutrition.



Once a product is accepted into the Superpower marketplace, it's not the end of our due diligence.

We reassess products every six months to ensure continued compliance with our brand standards and the latest research.

Ensuring lifelong quality through regular monitoring and re-evaluation.

As science advances, so will the quality of your lifelong health partnership with Superpower – with product recommendations always reflecting the latest in health innovation and research.

Ultimately, we aim to be so confident with all approved products that our medical team would personally use them themselves or recommend them to their loved ones.

The Members-Only Marketplace Promise

Superpower curates the top 1% of health items from around the world, and our research team conducts comprehensive evaluations to ensure top levels of quality, safety, and scientific robustness.

We ensure that our prices are better than anywhere else on the internet and provide them at a special, negotiated discount to save you money.

We don’t sell our own branded products, we don’t make extra margin on products and our clinical team is NEVER compensated on sales.

Our promise is to always be scientifically rigorous and 100% incentive aligned with you.

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NAD+ Nasal Spray

NAD+ Nasal Spray

Supercharge cellular energy and repair with direct NAD+ replenishment, unlocking peak vitality potential.

Personalized Prescription

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Ongoing Care & Support

NAD+ Nasal Spray
NAD+ Nasal Spray Default Title

The science of NAD+ Nasal Spray

Active ingredients

NAD+ nasal spray typically contains nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), the primary active ingredient responsible for replenishing cellular NAD+ levels. The formulation may also include saline solution as a carrier for nasal delivery, along with preservatives, stabilizers, and possibly flavoring agents.


NAD+ nasal spray functions by supplementing the cellular coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a crucial player in various metabolic processes. As cells metabolize nutrients, NAD+ plays a vital role in facilitating energy production, DNA repair, and cellular resilience. Administering NAD+ intranasal aims to enhance these cellular processes, supporting overall cellular health, energy metabolism, and potentially contributing to improved well-being.


NAD+ has a rich history in cellular biology, gaining increasing attention for its pivotal role in cellular metabolism and health. The use of NAD+ supplementation, including intravenously, has emerged as a novel approach to support cellular function. In recent years, the convenient application of NAD+ nasal spray has gained popularity as a potential intervention for enhancing overall well-being and addressing age-related concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate?

A good candidate for NAD+ supplementation therapy is someone seeking to optimize their overall health and well-being. This treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing fatigue, cognitive decline, or looking to enhance general performance.

What states is this available in?

California, New York, Florida, Texas, Colorado and Nevada

Supporting science and sources

How do I use NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Administer the spray into the nasal passages as described in the user instructions.

How does NAD+ Nasal Spray effect my body?

The pharmacokinetics of NAD+ Nasal Spray involve a dynamic process of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Upon nasal administration, NAD+ is absorbed in the bloodstream and distributed across various tissues. Within the intracellular environment, NAD+ becomes engaged in pivotal enzymatic reactions, contributing significantly to cellular energy production and DNA repair mechanisms. The eventual excretion of NAD+ breakdown products may occur through urine, reflecting the intricate interplay between NAD+ and essential cellular processes.

Special Considerations

Women who are pregnant, at a high risk of becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding should not receive NAD+ nasal spray. The safety and potential effects of NAD+ nasal spray during pregnancy or lactation have not been sufficiently studied.

How do I safely store NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Ensure the optimal efficacy of NAD+ Nasal Spray by storing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Safeguard it against extreme temperatures, and, for added caution, keep it out of the reach of children. Following these storage guidelines ensures the longevity and stability of the nasal spray, allowing individuals to integrate it seamlessly into their wellness routine.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with NAD+ nasal spray?

While NAD+ supplementation is generally considered safe, potential side effects may include nasal irritation, allergic reactions, or interactions with medications.

Please review "Most Common Adverse Reactions / Side Effects" for a more detailed explanation.

Who might benefit the most from using NAD+ nasal spray?

Individuals experiencing age-related decline, chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, or conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction may benefit from NAD+ nasal spray. Athletes seeking enhanced performance and recovery or those with stressful lifestyles may also find it beneficial.

What does off-label usage mean?

Off-label usage refers to the practice of prescribing or using a medication, medical device, or treatment for a purpose that is not approved by regulatory authorities, such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States. This means that the medication is being used in a manner or for a condition that is not specifically listed on its label or approved product information. Off-label usage may occur when healthcare professionals believe that the treatment may be beneficial for a particular condition, based on clinical judgment, research, or anecdotal evidence, even if it has not been formally approved for that specific use.

Am I a good candidate?

A good candidate for NAD+ supplementation therapy is someone seeking to optimize their overall health and well-being. This treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing fatigue, cognitive decline, or looking to enhance general performance.

What states is this available in?

California, New York, Florida, Texas, Colorado and Nevada

Supporting science and sources

How do I use NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Administer the spray into the nasal passages as described in the user instructions.

How does NAD+ Nasal Spray effect my body?

The pharmacokinetics of NAD+ Nasal Spray involve a dynamic process of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Upon nasal administration, NAD+ is absorbed in the bloodstream and distributed across various tissues. Within the intracellular environment, NAD+ becomes engaged in pivotal enzymatic reactions, contributing significantly to cellular energy production and DNA repair mechanisms. The eventual excretion of NAD+ breakdown products may occur through urine, reflecting the intricate interplay between NAD+ and essential cellular processes.

Special Considerations

Women who are pregnant, at a high risk of becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding should not receive NAD+ nasal spray. The safety and potential effects of NAD+ nasal spray during pregnancy or lactation have not been sufficiently studied.

How do I safely store NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Ensure the optimal efficacy of NAD+ Nasal Spray by storing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Safeguard it against extreme temperatures, and, for added caution, keep it out of the reach of children. Following these storage guidelines ensures the longevity and stability of the nasal spray, allowing individuals to integrate it seamlessly into their wellness routine.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with NAD+ nasal spray?

While NAD+ supplementation is generally considered safe, potential side effects may include nasal irritation, allergic reactions, or interactions with medications.

Please review "Most Common Adverse Reactions / Side Effects" for a more detailed explanation.

Who might benefit the most from using NAD+ nasal spray?

Individuals experiencing age-related decline, chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, or conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction may benefit from NAD+ nasal spray. Athletes seeking enhanced performance and recovery or those with stressful lifestyles may also find it beneficial.

What does off-label usage mean?

Off-label usage refers to the practice of prescribing or using a medication, medical device, or treatment for a purpose that is not approved by regulatory authorities, such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States. This means that the medication is being used in a manner or for a condition that is not specifically listed on its label or approved product information. Off-label usage may occur when healthcare professionals believe that the treatment may be beneficial for a particular condition, based on clinical judgment, research, or anecdotal evidence, even if it has not been formally approved for that specific use.

Am I a good candidate?

A good candidate for NAD+ supplementation therapy is someone seeking to optimize their overall health and well-being. This treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing fatigue, cognitive decline, or looking to enhance general performance.

What states is this available in?

California, New York, Florida, Texas, Colorado and Nevada

Supporting science and sources

How do I use NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Administer the spray into the nasal passages as described in the user instructions.

How does NAD+ Nasal Spray effect my body?

The pharmacokinetics of NAD+ Nasal Spray involve a dynamic process of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Upon nasal administration, NAD+ is absorbed in the bloodstream and distributed across various tissues. Within the intracellular environment, NAD+ becomes engaged in pivotal enzymatic reactions, contributing significantly to cellular energy production and DNA repair mechanisms. The eventual excretion of NAD+ breakdown products may occur through urine, reflecting the intricate interplay between NAD+ and essential cellular processes.

Special Considerations

Women who are pregnant, at a high risk of becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding should not receive NAD+ nasal spray. The safety and potential effects of NAD+ nasal spray during pregnancy or lactation have not been sufficiently studied.

How do I safely store NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Ensure the optimal efficacy of NAD+ Nasal Spray by storing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Safeguard it against extreme temperatures, and, for added caution, keep it out of the reach of children. Following these storage guidelines ensures the longevity and stability of the nasal spray, allowing individuals to integrate it seamlessly into their wellness routine.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with NAD+ nasal spray?

While NAD+ supplementation is generally considered safe, potential side effects may include nasal irritation, allergic reactions, or interactions with medications.

Please review "Most Common Adverse Reactions / Side Effects" for a more detailed explanation.

Who might benefit the most from using NAD+ nasal spray?

Individuals experiencing age-related decline, chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, or conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction may benefit from NAD+ nasal spray. Athletes seeking enhanced performance and recovery or those with stressful lifestyles may also find it beneficial.

What does off-label usage mean?

Off-label usage refers to the practice of prescribing or using a medication, medical device, or treatment for a purpose that is not approved by regulatory authorities, such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States. This means that the medication is being used in a manner or for a condition that is not specifically listed on its label or approved product information. Off-label usage may occur when healthcare professionals believe that the treatment may be beneficial for a particular condition, based on clinical judgment, research, or anecdotal evidence, even if it has not been formally approved for that specific use.

Am I a good candidate?

A good candidate for NAD+ supplementation therapy is someone seeking to optimize their overall health and well-being. This treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing fatigue, cognitive decline, or looking to enhance general performance.

What states is this available in?

California, New York, Florida, Texas, Colorado and Nevada

Supporting science and sources

How do I use NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Administer the spray into the nasal passages as described in the user instructions.

How does NAD+ Nasal Spray effect my body?

The pharmacokinetics of NAD+ Nasal Spray involve a dynamic process of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Upon nasal administration, NAD+ is absorbed in the bloodstream and distributed across various tissues. Within the intracellular environment, NAD+ becomes engaged in pivotal enzymatic reactions, contributing significantly to cellular energy production and DNA repair mechanisms. The eventual excretion of NAD+ breakdown products may occur through urine, reflecting the intricate interplay between NAD+ and essential cellular processes.

Special Considerations

Women who are pregnant, at a high risk of becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding should not receive NAD+ nasal spray. The safety and potential effects of NAD+ nasal spray during pregnancy or lactation have not been sufficiently studied.

How do I safely store NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Ensure the optimal efficacy of NAD+ Nasal Spray by storing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Safeguard it against extreme temperatures, and, for added caution, keep it out of the reach of children. Following these storage guidelines ensures the longevity and stability of the nasal spray, allowing individuals to integrate it seamlessly into their wellness routine.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with NAD+ nasal spray?

While NAD+ supplementation is generally considered safe, potential side effects may include nasal irritation, allergic reactions, or interactions with medications.

Please review "Most Common Adverse Reactions / Side Effects" for a more detailed explanation.

Who might benefit the most from using NAD+ nasal spray?

Individuals experiencing age-related decline, chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, or conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction may benefit from NAD+ nasal spray. Athletes seeking enhanced performance and recovery or those with stressful lifestyles may also find it beneficial.

What does off-label usage mean?

Off-label usage refers to the practice of prescribing or using a medication, medical device, or treatment for a purpose that is not approved by regulatory authorities, such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States. This means that the medication is being used in a manner or for a condition that is not specifically listed on its label or approved product information. Off-label usage may occur when healthcare professionals believe that the treatment may be beneficial for a particular condition, based on clinical judgment, research, or anecdotal evidence, even if it has not been formally approved for that specific use.

Am I a good candidate?

A good candidate for NAD+ supplementation therapy is someone seeking to optimize their overall health and well-being. This treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing fatigue, cognitive decline, or looking to enhance general performance.

What states is this available in?

California, New York, Florida, Texas, Colorado and Nevada

Supporting science and sources

How do I use NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Administer the spray into the nasal passages as described in the user instructions.

How does NAD+ Nasal Spray effect my body?

The pharmacokinetics of NAD+ Nasal Spray involve a dynamic process of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Upon nasal administration, NAD+ is absorbed in the bloodstream and distributed across various tissues. Within the intracellular environment, NAD+ becomes engaged in pivotal enzymatic reactions, contributing significantly to cellular energy production and DNA repair mechanisms. The eventual excretion of NAD+ breakdown products may occur through urine, reflecting the intricate interplay between NAD+ and essential cellular processes.

Special Considerations

Women who are pregnant, at a high risk of becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding should not receive NAD+ nasal spray. The safety and potential effects of NAD+ nasal spray during pregnancy or lactation have not been sufficiently studied.

How do I safely store NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Ensure the optimal efficacy of NAD+ Nasal Spray by storing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Safeguard it against extreme temperatures, and, for added caution, keep it out of the reach of children. Following these storage guidelines ensures the longevity and stability of the nasal spray, allowing individuals to integrate it seamlessly into their wellness routine.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with NAD+ nasal spray?

While NAD+ supplementation is generally considered safe, potential side effects may include nasal irritation, allergic reactions, or interactions with medications.

Please review "Most Common Adverse Reactions / Side Effects" for a more detailed explanation.

Who might benefit the most from using NAD+ nasal spray?

Individuals experiencing age-related decline, chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, or conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction may benefit from NAD+ nasal spray. Athletes seeking enhanced performance and recovery or those with stressful lifestyles may also find it beneficial.

What does off-label usage mean?

Off-label usage refers to the practice of prescribing or using a medication, medical device, or treatment for a purpose that is not approved by regulatory authorities, such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States. This means that the medication is being used in a manner or for a condition that is not specifically listed on its label or approved product information. Off-label usage may occur when healthcare professionals believe that the treatment may be beneficial for a particular condition, based on clinical judgment, research, or anecdotal evidence, even if it has not been formally approved for that specific use.

Am I a good candidate?

A good candidate for NAD+ supplementation therapy is someone seeking to optimize their overall health and well-being. This treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing fatigue, cognitive decline, or looking to enhance general performance.

What states is this available in?

California, New York, Florida, Texas, Colorado and Nevada

Supporting science and sources

How do I use NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Administer the spray into the nasal passages as described in the user instructions.

How does NAD+ Nasal Spray effect my body?

The pharmacokinetics of NAD+ Nasal Spray involve a dynamic process of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Upon nasal administration, NAD+ is absorbed in the bloodstream and distributed across various tissues. Within the intracellular environment, NAD+ becomes engaged in pivotal enzymatic reactions, contributing significantly to cellular energy production and DNA repair mechanisms. The eventual excretion of NAD+ breakdown products may occur through urine, reflecting the intricate interplay between NAD+ and essential cellular processes.

Special Considerations

Women who are pregnant, at a high risk of becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding should not receive NAD+ nasal spray. The safety and potential effects of NAD+ nasal spray during pregnancy or lactation have not been sufficiently studied.

How do I safely store NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Ensure the optimal efficacy of NAD+ Nasal Spray by storing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Safeguard it against extreme temperatures, and, for added caution, keep it out of the reach of children. Following these storage guidelines ensures the longevity and stability of the nasal spray, allowing individuals to integrate it seamlessly into their wellness routine.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with NAD+ nasal spray?

While NAD+ supplementation is generally considered safe, potential side effects may include nasal irritation, allergic reactions, or interactions with medications.

Please review "Most Common Adverse Reactions / Side Effects" for a more detailed explanation.

Who might benefit the most from using NAD+ nasal spray?

Individuals experiencing age-related decline, chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, or conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction may benefit from NAD+ nasal spray. Athletes seeking enhanced performance and recovery or those with stressful lifestyles may also find it beneficial.

What does off-label usage mean?

Off-label usage refers to the practice of prescribing or using a medication, medical device, or treatment for a purpose that is not approved by regulatory authorities, such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States. This means that the medication is being used in a manner or for a condition that is not specifically listed on its label or approved product information. Off-label usage may occur when healthcare professionals believe that the treatment may be beneficial for a particular condition, based on clinical judgment, research, or anecdotal evidence, even if it has not been formally approved for that specific use.

Am I a good candidate?

A good candidate for NAD+ supplementation therapy is someone seeking to optimize their overall health and well-being. This treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing fatigue, cognitive decline, or looking to enhance general performance.

What states is this available in?

California, New York, Florida, Texas, Colorado and Nevada

Supporting science and sources

How do I use NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Administer the spray into the nasal passages as described in the user instructions.

How does NAD+ Nasal Spray effect my body?

The pharmacokinetics of NAD+ Nasal Spray involve a dynamic process of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Upon nasal administration, NAD+ is absorbed in the bloodstream and distributed across various tissues. Within the intracellular environment, NAD+ becomes engaged in pivotal enzymatic reactions, contributing significantly to cellular energy production and DNA repair mechanisms. The eventual excretion of NAD+ breakdown products may occur through urine, reflecting the intricate interplay between NAD+ and essential cellular processes.

Special Considerations

Women who are pregnant, at a high risk of becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding should not receive NAD+ nasal spray. The safety and potential effects of NAD+ nasal spray during pregnancy or lactation have not been sufficiently studied.

How do I safely store NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Ensure the optimal efficacy of NAD+ Nasal Spray by storing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Safeguard it against extreme temperatures, and, for added caution, keep it out of the reach of children. Following these storage guidelines ensures the longevity and stability of the nasal spray, allowing individuals to integrate it seamlessly into their wellness routine.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with NAD+ nasal spray?

While NAD+ supplementation is generally considered safe, potential side effects may include nasal irritation, allergic reactions, or interactions with medications.

Please review "Most Common Adverse Reactions / Side Effects" for a more detailed explanation.

Who might benefit the most from using NAD+ nasal spray?

Individuals experiencing age-related decline, chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, or conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction may benefit from NAD+ nasal spray. Athletes seeking enhanced performance and recovery or those with stressful lifestyles may also find it beneficial.

What does off-label usage mean?

Off-label usage refers to the practice of prescribing or using a medication, medical device, or treatment for a purpose that is not approved by regulatory authorities, such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States. This means that the medication is being used in a manner or for a condition that is not specifically listed on its label or approved product information. Off-label usage may occur when healthcare professionals believe that the treatment may be beneficial for a particular condition, based on clinical judgment, research, or anecdotal evidence, even if it has not been formally approved for that specific use.

Am I a good candidate?

A good candidate for NAD+ supplementation therapy is someone seeking to optimize their overall health and well-being. This treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing fatigue, cognitive decline, or looking to enhance general performance.

What states is this available in?

California, New York, Florida, Texas, Colorado and Nevada

Supporting science and sources

How do I use NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Administer the spray into the nasal passages as described in the user instructions.

How does NAD+ Nasal Spray effect my body?

The pharmacokinetics of NAD+ Nasal Spray involve a dynamic process of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Upon nasal administration, NAD+ is absorbed in the bloodstream and distributed across various tissues. Within the intracellular environment, NAD+ becomes engaged in pivotal enzymatic reactions, contributing significantly to cellular energy production and DNA repair mechanisms. The eventual excretion of NAD+ breakdown products may occur through urine, reflecting the intricate interplay between NAD+ and essential cellular processes.

Special Considerations

Women who are pregnant, at a high risk of becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding should not receive NAD+ nasal spray. The safety and potential effects of NAD+ nasal spray during pregnancy or lactation have not been sufficiently studied.

How do I safely store NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Ensure the optimal efficacy of NAD+ Nasal Spray by storing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Safeguard it against extreme temperatures, and, for added caution, keep it out of the reach of children. Following these storage guidelines ensures the longevity and stability of the nasal spray, allowing individuals to integrate it seamlessly into their wellness routine.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with NAD+ nasal spray?

While NAD+ supplementation is generally considered safe, potential side effects may include nasal irritation, allergic reactions, or interactions with medications.

Please review "Most Common Adverse Reactions / Side Effects" for a more detailed explanation.

Who might benefit the most from using NAD+ nasal spray?

Individuals experiencing age-related decline, chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, or conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction may benefit from NAD+ nasal spray. Athletes seeking enhanced performance and recovery or those with stressful lifestyles may also find it beneficial.

What does off-label usage mean?

Off-label usage refers to the practice of prescribing or using a medication, medical device, or treatment for a purpose that is not approved by regulatory authorities, such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States. This means that the medication is being used in a manner or for a condition that is not specifically listed on its label or approved product information. Off-label usage may occur when healthcare professionals believe that the treatment may be beneficial for a particular condition, based on clinical judgment, research, or anecdotal evidence, even if it has not been formally approved for that specific use.

Am I a good candidate?

A good candidate for NAD+ supplementation therapy is someone seeking to optimize their overall health and well-being. This treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing fatigue, cognitive decline, or looking to enhance general performance.

What states is this available in?

California, New York, Florida, Texas, Colorado and Nevada

Supporting science and sources

How do I use NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Administer the spray into the nasal passages as described in the user instructions.

How does NAD+ Nasal Spray effect my body?

The pharmacokinetics of NAD+ Nasal Spray involve a dynamic process of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Upon nasal administration, NAD+ is absorbed in the bloodstream and distributed across various tissues. Within the intracellular environment, NAD+ becomes engaged in pivotal enzymatic reactions, contributing significantly to cellular energy production and DNA repair mechanisms. The eventual excretion of NAD+ breakdown products may occur through urine, reflecting the intricate interplay between NAD+ and essential cellular processes.

Special Considerations

Women who are pregnant, at a high risk of becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding should not receive NAD+ nasal spray. The safety and potential effects of NAD+ nasal spray during pregnancy or lactation have not been sufficiently studied.

How do I safely store NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Ensure the optimal efficacy of NAD+ Nasal Spray by storing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Safeguard it against extreme temperatures, and, for added caution, keep it out of the reach of children. Following these storage guidelines ensures the longevity and stability of the nasal spray, allowing individuals to integrate it seamlessly into their wellness routine.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with NAD+ nasal spray?

While NAD+ supplementation is generally considered safe, potential side effects may include nasal irritation, allergic reactions, or interactions with medications.

Please review "Most Common Adverse Reactions / Side Effects" for a more detailed explanation.

Who might benefit the most from using NAD+ nasal spray?

Individuals experiencing age-related decline, chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, or conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction may benefit from NAD+ nasal spray. Athletes seeking enhanced performance and recovery or those with stressful lifestyles may also find it beneficial.

What does off-label usage mean?

Off-label usage refers to the practice of prescribing or using a medication, medical device, or treatment for a purpose that is not approved by regulatory authorities, such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States. This means that the medication is being used in a manner or for a condition that is not specifically listed on its label or approved product information. Off-label usage may occur when healthcare professionals believe that the treatment may be beneficial for a particular condition, based on clinical judgment, research, or anecdotal evidence, even if it has not been formally approved for that specific use.

Am I a good candidate?

A good candidate for NAD+ supplementation therapy is someone seeking to optimize their overall health and well-being. This treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing fatigue, cognitive decline, or looking to enhance general performance.

What states is this available in?

California, New York, Florida, Texas, Colorado and Nevada

Supporting science and sources

How do I use NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Administer the spray into the nasal passages as described in the user instructions.

How does NAD+ Nasal Spray effect my body?

The pharmacokinetics of NAD+ Nasal Spray involve a dynamic process of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Upon nasal administration, NAD+ is absorbed in the bloodstream and distributed across various tissues. Within the intracellular environment, NAD+ becomes engaged in pivotal enzymatic reactions, contributing significantly to cellular energy production and DNA repair mechanisms. The eventual excretion of NAD+ breakdown products may occur through urine, reflecting the intricate interplay between NAD+ and essential cellular processes.

Special Considerations

Women who are pregnant, at a high risk of becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding should not receive NAD+ nasal spray. The safety and potential effects of NAD+ nasal spray during pregnancy or lactation have not been sufficiently studied.

How do I safely store NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Ensure the optimal efficacy of NAD+ Nasal Spray by storing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Safeguard it against extreme temperatures, and, for added caution, keep it out of the reach of children. Following these storage guidelines ensures the longevity and stability of the nasal spray, allowing individuals to integrate it seamlessly into their wellness routine.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with NAD+ nasal spray?

While NAD+ supplementation is generally considered safe, potential side effects may include nasal irritation, allergic reactions, or interactions with medications.

Please review "Most Common Adverse Reactions / Side Effects" for a more detailed explanation.

Who might benefit the most from using NAD+ nasal spray?

Individuals experiencing age-related decline, chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, or conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction may benefit from NAD+ nasal spray. Athletes seeking enhanced performance and recovery or those with stressful lifestyles may also find it beneficial.

What does off-label usage mean?

Off-label usage refers to the practice of prescribing or using a medication, medical device, or treatment for a purpose that is not approved by regulatory authorities, such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States. This means that the medication is being used in a manner or for a condition that is not specifically listed on its label or approved product information. Off-label usage may occur when healthcare professionals believe that the treatment may be beneficial for a particular condition, based on clinical judgment, research, or anecdotal evidence, even if it has not been formally approved for that specific use.

Am I a good candidate?

A good candidate for NAD+ supplementation therapy is someone seeking to optimize their overall health and well-being. This treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing fatigue, cognitive decline, or looking to enhance general performance.

What states is this available in?

California, New York, Florida, Texas, Colorado and Nevada

Supporting science and sources

How do I use NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Administer the spray into the nasal passages as described in the user instructions.

How does NAD+ Nasal Spray effect my body?

The pharmacokinetics of NAD+ Nasal Spray involve a dynamic process of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Upon nasal administration, NAD+ is absorbed in the bloodstream and distributed across various tissues. Within the intracellular environment, NAD+ becomes engaged in pivotal enzymatic reactions, contributing significantly to cellular energy production and DNA repair mechanisms. The eventual excretion of NAD+ breakdown products may occur through urine, reflecting the intricate interplay between NAD+ and essential cellular processes.

Special Considerations

Women who are pregnant, at a high risk of becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding should not receive NAD+ nasal spray. The safety and potential effects of NAD+ nasal spray during pregnancy or lactation have not been sufficiently studied.

How do I safely store NAD+ Nasal Spray?

Ensure the optimal efficacy of NAD+ Nasal Spray by storing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Safeguard it against extreme temperatures, and, for added caution, keep it out of the reach of children. Following these storage guidelines ensures the longevity and stability of the nasal spray, allowing individuals to integrate it seamlessly into their wellness routine.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with NAD+ nasal spray?

While NAD+ supplementation is generally considered safe, potential side effects may include nasal irritation, allergic reactions, or interactions with medications.

Please review "Most Common Adverse Reactions / Side Effects" for a more detailed explanation.

Who might benefit the most from using NAD+ nasal spray?

Individuals experiencing age-related decline, chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, or conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction may benefit from NAD+ nasal spray. Athletes seeking enhanced performance and recovery or those with stressful lifestyles may also find it beneficial.

What does off-label usage mean?

Off-label usage refers to the practice of prescribing or using a medication, medical device, or treatment for a purpose that is not approved by regulatory authorities, such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States. This means that the medication is being used in a manner or for a condition that is not specifically listed on its label or approved product information. Off-label usage may occur when healthcare professionals believe that the treatment may be beneficial for a particular condition, based on clinical judgment, research, or anecdotal evidence, even if it has not been formally approved for that specific use.

For Superpower Members, text your private concierge at any time with any question

Important safety information

Potential Side Effects

NAD+ Nasal Spray is generally well-tolerated, but individuals may experience mild and transient side effects. Common side effects may include nasal irritation or congestion, which typically resolve on their own. Other common side effects include:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Mild injection site pain or bruising
  • Flushing
  • Dyspepsia
  • Diarrhea



  • Known allergies to NAD+ or any components of the injection
  • Pregnancy and lactation (safety unknown)
  • Severe hepatic impairment (metabolism may be altered)
  • Renal failure (excretion may be impaired)
  • Unstable angina, acute decompensated heart failure, or advanced heart block (due to potential vasodilatory effects)
  • Active malignancy (theoretical risk of fueling tumor metabolism)
  • Moderate to severe cardiac & respiratory diseases


  • Hypotension: Monitor blood pressure during and after treatment due to potential vasodilatory effects
  • Arrhythmia: Monitor heart rate and rhythm during and after treatment due to potential cardiac effects
  • Liver function: Baseline and periodic testing of liver enzymes is advisable due to potential altered metabolism in severe hepatic impairment
  • Renal function: Baseline and periodic testing of renal function is advisable due to potential impaired excretion in renal failure
  • Allergic reactions: Monitor for signs and symptoms of allergic reactions during and after treatment

Drug Interactions

Potential interactions to consider prior to starting NAD+ include:

  • Antidepressants: NAD supplements may interact with antidepressants, potentially affecting the levels of NAD in the body and the effectiveness of the supplements.
  • Antihypertensive Drugs: Nicotinamide riboside may lower blood pressure, so taking it with blood pressure medications could cause blood pressure to drop too low. This includes drugs like amlodipine, metoprolol, and carvedilol.
  • Cholesterol Medications: Patients should monitor their condition closely if combining NAD supplements with cholesterol-lowering drugs due to potential interactions with metabolic pathways.
  • Diabetes Medications: NAD supplements could interact with diabetes medications by influencing blood sugar levels.
  • Medications for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Diseases: There could be interactions with medications for neurodegenerative diseases, potentially affecting the efficacy of these treatments.
  • Blood Thinners: Supplements that affect cellular metabolism, such as NAD supplements, could theoretically interact with blood thinners by influencing platelet levels or function.
  • Other Supplements: Interactions with other supplements, such as alpha-lipoic acid, CoQ10, and various vitamins, should be considered as they may amplify or reduce the effects of NAD+ supplements.

Potential Side Effects

NAD+ Nasal Spray is generally well-tolerated, but individuals may experience mild and transient side effects. Common side effects may include nasal irritation or congestion, which typically resolve on their own. Other common side effects include:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Mild injection site pain or bruising
  • Flushing
  • Dyspepsia
  • Diarrhea



  • Known allergies to NAD+ or any components of the injection
  • Pregnancy and lactation (safety unknown)
  • Severe hepatic impairment (metabolism may be altered)
  • Renal failure (excretion may be impaired)
  • Unstable angina, acute decompensated heart failure, or advanced heart block (due to potential vasodilatory effects)
  • Active malignancy (theoretical risk of fueling tumor metabolism)
  • Moderate to severe cardiac & respiratory diseases


  • Hypotension: Monitor blood pressure during and after treatment due to potential vasodilatory effects
  • Arrhythmia: Monitor heart rate and rhythm during and after treatment due to potential cardiac effects
  • Liver function: Baseline and periodic testing of liver enzymes is advisable due to potential altered metabolism in severe hepatic impairment
  • Renal function: Baseline and periodic testing of renal function is advisable due to potential impaired excretion in renal failure
  • Allergic reactions: Monitor for signs and symptoms of allergic reactions during and after treatment

Drug Interactions

Potential interactions to consider prior to starting NAD+ include:

  • Antidepressants: NAD supplements may interact with antidepressants, potentially affecting the levels of NAD in the body and the effectiveness of the supplements.
  • Antihypertensive Drugs: Nicotinamide riboside may lower blood pressure, so taking it with blood pressure medications could cause blood pressure to drop too low. This includes drugs like amlodipine, metoprolol, and carvedilol.
  • Cholesterol Medications: Patients should monitor their condition closely if combining NAD supplements with cholesterol-lowering drugs due to potential interactions with metabolic pathways.
  • Diabetes Medications: NAD supplements could interact with diabetes medications by influencing blood sugar levels.
  • Medications for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Diseases: There could be interactions with medications for neurodegenerative diseases, potentially affecting the efficacy of these treatments.
  • Blood Thinners: Supplements that affect cellular metabolism, such as NAD supplements, could theoretically interact with blood thinners by influencing platelet levels or function.
  • Other Supplements: Interactions with other supplements, such as alpha-lipoic acid, CoQ10, and various vitamins, should be considered as they may amplify or reduce the effects of NAD+ supplements.

Potential Side Effects

NAD+ Nasal Spray is generally well-tolerated, but individuals may experience mild and transient side effects. Common side effects may include nasal irritation or congestion, which typically resolve on their own. Other common side effects include:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Mild injection site pain or bruising
  • Flushing
  • Dyspepsia
  • Diarrhea



  • Known allergies to NAD+ or any components of the injection
  • Pregnancy and lactation (safety unknown)
  • Severe hepatic impairment (metabolism may be altered)
  • Renal failure (excretion may be impaired)
  • Unstable angina, acute decompensated heart failure, or advanced heart block (due to potential vasodilatory effects)
  • Active malignancy (theoretical risk of fueling tumor metabolism)
  • Moderate to severe cardiac & respiratory diseases


  • Hypotension: Monitor blood pressure during and after treatment due to potential vasodilatory effects
  • Arrhythmia: Monitor heart rate and rhythm during and after treatment due to potential cardiac effects
  • Liver function: Baseline and periodic testing of liver enzymes is advisable due to potential altered metabolism in severe hepatic impairment
  • Renal function: Baseline and periodic testing of renal function is advisable due to potential impaired excretion in renal failure
  • Allergic reactions: Monitor for signs and symptoms of allergic reactions during and after treatment

Drug Interactions

Potential interactions to consider prior to starting NAD+ include:

  • Antidepressants: NAD supplements may interact with antidepressants, potentially affecting the levels of NAD in the body and the effectiveness of the supplements.
  • Antihypertensive Drugs: Nicotinamide riboside may lower blood pressure, so taking it with blood pressure medications could cause blood pressure to drop too low. This includes drugs like amlodipine, metoprolol, and carvedilol.
  • Cholesterol Medications: Patients should monitor their condition closely if combining NAD supplements with cholesterol-lowering drugs due to potential interactions with metabolic pathways.
  • Diabetes Medications: NAD supplements could interact with diabetes medications by influencing blood sugar levels.
  • Medications for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Diseases: There could be interactions with medications for neurodegenerative diseases, potentially affecting the efficacy of these treatments.
  • Blood Thinners: Supplements that affect cellular metabolism, such as NAD supplements, could theoretically interact with blood thinners by influencing platelet levels or function.
  • Other Supplements: Interactions with other supplements, such as alpha-lipoic acid, CoQ10, and various vitamins, should be considered as they may amplify or reduce the effects of NAD+ supplements.

For Superpower Members, text your private concierge at any time with any question

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At Superpower, we believe in scientific rigor and transparency. We have a dedicated medical and research team that follows a multi-faceted curation and evaluation process to select only the most trusted and efficacious products and protocols for our members.

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